
JICA Training was conducted at Technical Research Institute ~9 trainees from 9 countries in Asia, Africa, etc. participated~

 JICA (The Japan International Cooperation Agency) invites officials from developing countries for "training in Japan" and provides them with the knowledge and technology needed by respective country.
 "Sustainable Port Development and Planning Course" consists of on-line lectures as well as training in Japan; site visit to various ports and other facilities. A total of 9 overseas trainees from 9 countries in Asia, Africa, and other regions have participated.
 On August 2, FUDOTETRA invited the trainees to its Technical Research Institute and cooperate with the training program by giving them a facility tour and introducing its cutting edge technologies regarding ground improvement and wave dissipating blocks. This is the third time that trainees visit our technical research institute, following this February. They enthusiastically toured the hydraulic experimental facilities and ground improvement test field, and asked with great interest many questions about our technologies related to port facility maintenance. One of the trainees said that he was impressed with our experiment on assessing the impact of slope angle on Tetrapod stability and recognizing the significance of maintaining aging breakwaters.
 We hope that our technology and knowledge accumulated through our port projects will be of assistance to the port maintenance and management plans of the participating countries, as well as to contribute to Japan's international cooperation.